Books Written by Naida M. Parson, Ph.D.
Books can be purchased through Amazon, or by contacting Dr. Parson directly.
Books can be purchased through Amazon, or by contacting Dr. Parson directly.
There is no greater joy in life than the opportunity to walk with God! What did Noah do to earn God’s favor? What great feat did Abraham accomplish to get the attention of God? What was so impressive about little David that he would be chosen? And what was so special about Enoch that he was just taken away? Maybe the answer is in Micah 6:8.
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Maybe they simply walked with God. The Good News Bible says it like this…a life in fellowship with God.
This devotional is a journey. Although each lesson can stand on its own, taken together in sequence, they will take you on an amazing journey as you learn to walk with God.
The book is designed to give you the step by step instructions and insights that will increase your intimacy with God. It will move you from religion to a relationship and a lifestyle. So let’s get started on the greatest walk you’ll ever take in your life. It will be an experience; The Enoch Experience: How to walk with God.
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“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Maybe they simply walked with God. The Good News Bible says it like this…a life in fellowship with God.
This devotional is a journey. Although each lesson can stand on its own, taken together in sequence, they will take you on an amazing journey as you learn to walk with God.
The book is designed to give you the step by step instructions and insights that will increase your intimacy with God. It will move you from religion to a relationship and a lifestyle. So let’s get started on the greatest walk you’ll ever take in your life. It will be an experience; The Enoch Experience: How to walk with God.
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Have you ever dealt with a habit, a sin, a destructive behavior, or an addiction and said to yourself, I don't know how to stop?
It may be a dependence on a substance like alcohol, tobacco, or any kind of drug. Perhaps its your non-chemical drug of choice, like pornography, gambling, or food. It could be a behavior or disposition, like anger, violence, or verbal abuse. This book is about any behavior that you are desperate to stop, but just don't know how. Its also a book for those who believe it is God's will for you to be healthier, happier, and living more like Jesus Christ. If there are habitual behaviors in your life that compromise your health, diminish your happiness, or threaten your relationships (including your relationship with God), then this book will give you a process that is biblical and combines the psychological with the spiritual. Written by a Senior Pastor, who is also a Clinical Psychologist, this book will provide a proven formula for change. To Purchase - Click Here |
On the sixth day of Creation, as God hovered over the man and the woman that He had made in His image, and after His likeness, He blessed them.God uttered five powerful words, five blessings, five abilities, five areas of authority. This blessing gave the newly created mankind the capacity for a full and prosperous life. Mankind still has that capacity today.
In this book is an exciting and dynamic teaching on the original blessing mankind was given in the Garden of Eden. Sin may have complicated the blessings, but it did not cancel them out. Especially now that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of sin, we can claim and live out our original blessing. We are to be fruitful and multiply, to fill our world to capacity, to subdue it, and to have dominion. In this book, the author looks at each blessing in depth in order to increase your faith and your confidence to experience them in your life. Lets go back to Eden and reclaim our original blessing! To Purchase - Click Here |